Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thank you for visiting my blog that will focus on different areas of catfighting. I have been a lifelong catfight fan. Those of you with the bug will know what I am talking about.

Many of us with the bug like various forms of it. Some like fantasy fighting. Some like sexual fighting. Some like real, hard nosed fighting. Some like wrestling and others like sloppy wrestling. What I am getting at is even in this small fetish, there are many subgroups.

What I like, and what I want to explore first, is true life catfight accounts. Fights women have been in, or want to be in. To do this, I will be emailing various women in the industry with a questionarre about their catfighting history. I will post links to promote their businesses with the answers to their questions.

That will be the first step to this blog, and I will see where it takes me. but first, I need to send out a lot of interviews to be graciuosly answered by these fantastic women.

So enjoy.


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